Investing Profile

Miguel Bernard

Associate at Avalancha Ventures
avalancha.venturesMexico City, Mexico
Photo of Miguel Bernard, Associate at Avalancha Ventures

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$50K - $50K
CompanyStageDateRound SizeTotal Raised
Two To Tango
SeedApr 2023$800K
Co-investors: Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
SeedMar 2023$1M
Co-investors: Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
SeedDec 2022$750K
Co-investors: Antonio Peña (Kamay Ventures), Carlos Gutiérrez (INVX), Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
SeedDec 2022$1M
Co-investors: Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
Eucalyptus Medical
SeedOct 2022$400K
Co-investors: Genevieve LeMarchal (Expert Dojo), Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
Pre SeedJan 2022$1M
Co-investors: Edward Lando (Pareto Holdings), Nadav Ben-Chanoch (Pareto Holdings), Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
SeedJul 2021$900K
Co-investors: Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures)
Arcus Financial Intelligence
Series ADec 2018$8M
Co-investors: Alvaro Rodriguez Arregui (IGNIA Partners), Rodrigo Ocejo (Avalancha Ventures), Lorenzo Garza (Avalancha Ventures), Wilber Palenque (Avalancha Ventures), Luis Valdich (Citi Ventures)