Investing Profile

Adam Gazzaley

Co Founder and Chief Scientist at JAZZ Venture Partners Francisco, California
Photo of Adam Gazzaley, Investor at Jazz Venture Partners

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University of California, Berkeley Network
$100K - $5.0M
Co-Founder and Chief Science Advisor Sensync2018 - Present
Executive Director, Neuroscape UCSF Medical Center2017 - Present
Co Founder and Chief Scientist JAZZ Venture Partners2015 - Present
Co-Founder and Chief Science Advisor Akili Interactive Labs2011 - Present
Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry and Physiology UCSF2005 - Present
University of California, Berkeley Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Resident Neurology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine MD, PhD Medicine
Binghamton University BS Biochemistry
Bronx High School of Science