Investing Profile
Alex Gault(11)
AngelInvestorAdvisorMarketing Operator
Experienced entrepreneur building and investing into technology startups and media companies
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Stanford University Network
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Network
The Wharton School Network
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management Network
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management Network
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cbInvestment Range
$10K - $50K
Sweet Spot
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Alex Gault's Experience
Vice President Marketing Prontoblock2021 - Present
Mentor Founder Institute2020 - Present
Investor Space Angels2019 - Present
President Small World Ventures2005 - Present
Director, Communications Digital Wellness Institute2020 - 2023
Vice President Sales and Marketing DeepMarkit2016 - 2017
Vice President, Product Development and Client Services Mobovivo2012 - 2016
Vice President, Marketing and Sales Mobovivo2009 - 2012
Director of Marketing and Community Development Minekey2007 - 2009
Vice President, Marketing and Business Development Legalforce2006 - 2007
Vice President, Marketing and Business Development Edunomics2000 - 2002
Publisher Whole Earth Catalog (Point Foundation)1997 - 2000
Associate Publisher Lion's Roar1994 - 1996
Managing Editor Houghton Mifflin Harcourt1991 - 1993
Alex Gault's Education
University of Toronto - Victoria University BA Philosophy and Religious Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cryptocurrency: Executive Certificate
MIT Sloan School of Management Corporate Innovation - Strategies for Leveraging Ecosystems: Executive Certificate
MIT Sloan School of Management Economics of Business: Executive Certificate
MIT Sloan School of Management Digital Marketing Analytics: Executive Certificate
MIT Sloan School of Management Blockchain Technologies - Business Innovation and Application: Executive Certificate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy: Executive Certificate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management Digital Business Strategy - Harnessing Our Digital Future: Executive Certificate
The Wharton School Building a Business Case: Executive Certificate
Stanford University Stanford Professional Publishing Program: Executive Certificate