Investing Profile
Alex Stephany
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $50K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Alex Stephany is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Alex Stephany's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Oto Health | Pre SeedJan 2022$700K | $3.7M |
Alex Stephany's Experience
Investor greenworkx2023 - Present
Investor Code First Girls2022 - Present
Investor & Advisor Academy2021 - Present
Investor Sourceful2020 - Present
Investor Humanloop2020 - Present
Investor Heights2020 - Present
Investor FLOWN2020 - Present
Pledger Founders Pledge2019 - Present
Founder & CEO - we’re hiring! 🚀 Beam2017 - Present
Supporter Beam2017 - Present
Board Advisor JustPark2015 - Present
Advisor Seoul Metropolitan Government2016 - 2020
Advisor Spacehive2016 - 2019
Fellow Anthemis Group2016 - 2017
Entrepreneur in Residence Rainmaking Innovation2016 - 2016
CEO JustPark2012 - 2015
COO JustPark2011 - 2012
Founder Various startups2011 - 2011
Management Consultant FreshMinds2010 - 2010
Director of Sales, Author, CFA Startup2009 - 2010
Lawyer Law For All2009 - 2009
Lawyer Clifford Chance LLP2007 - 2009
English Teacher Institute of Technology2000 - 2001
Alex Stephany's Education
CFA Institute Level 1 Financial Mathematics
Université Paris-Sorbonne Langue et Civilisation French Language and Culture
Nottingham Law School GDL and LPC Law
University of Oxford English Language and Literature First Class Honours