Investing Profile
Alfonso Subiotto Marqués(27)
Your Intro Paths to Alfonso Subiotto Marqués
Alfonso Subiotto Marqués's investing connections
Connected to Lolita Taub (Ganas Ventures), Michael Cardamone (Forum Ventures).
Networks Alfonso is a member of
Google Network
Brown University Network
Current Investing Position
Investment Range
$1K - $5K
Sweet Spot
Alfonso Subiotto Marqués is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Developer Tools (Seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Seed)Data Services (Seed)Angel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsEnterprise Infrastructure (Seed)Enterprise Applications (Seed)Data Services (Pre-seed)Enterprise Infrastructure (Pre-seed)Developer Tools (Pre-seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed)Enterprise Applications (Pre-seed)Enterprise (Pre-seed)Enterprise (Seed)
Alfonso Subiotto Marqués's Media (1)
most interested in
DevTools/Enterprise/DataAlfonso Subiotto Marqués's Experience
Senior Engineer/Tech Lead Cockroach Labs2016 - 2021
Intern Google2014 - 2014
Alfonso Subiotto Marqués's Education
Brown University Sc.B. Computer. Science
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