Investing Profile
Aliaksandr Hudzilin(111)
Angel with value beyond capital
San Francisco, California
Your Intro Paths to Aliaksandr Hudzilin
Aliaksandr Hudzilin's investing connections
Connected to Garry Tan (Y Combinator), Kevin Lee, Jonathan Abrams (8-Bit Capital), and 1 other investor on Signal.
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cbInvestment Range
$10K - $100K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Aliaksandr Hudzilin is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
AR/VR (Seed)Gaming/eSports (Seed)Investors who were foundersWeb3/Blockchain (Seed)Web3/Crypto (Seed)Web3/Crypto (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Pre-seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Seed)Web3/Blockchain (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)AI (Seed)Angel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsGaming/eSports (Pre-seed)San Francisco Bay AreaAR/VR (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Pre-seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Seed)AI (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)
Aliaksandr Hudzilin's Investments On Record (3)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
HERE Wallet | Pre SeedNov 2022$200K | $200K |
Carv | SeedNov 2022$4M | $12M |
Syndicate | SeedJun 2021$800K | $28M |
Investors who invest with Aliaksandr Hudzilin
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