Investing Profile
Andrea Mica
InvestorFormer CEOVC
Director at Oxford Technology Management
oxfordtechnology.comOxford, United Kingdom
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Oxford Technology Management Investor
Investment Range
$50K - $300K
Sweet Spot
Andrea Mica is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Material Science (Seed)Medical Devices (Seed)Hardware (Seed)AgTech (Seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Seed)BioTech (Seed)Chemicals (Seed)Investors who invested in female foundersInvestors who were foundersInvestors who invested in diverse foundersDiagnostics (Seed)Material Science (Pre-seed)DeepTech (Seed)Medical Devices (Pre-seed)AgTech (Pre-seed)Hardware (Pre-seed)Chemicals (Pre-seed)Diagnostics (Pre-seed)DeepTech (Pre-seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Pre-seed)BioTech (Pre-seed)