Investing Profile

Anna Amati

Co-founder & General Partner at EUREKA! Venture SGR
Photo of Anna Amati, General Partner at EUREKA! Venture

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EUREKA! Venture General Partner
$100K - $5.0M
CompanyStageDateRound SizeTotal Raised
SeedFeb 2024$2M
Co-investors: Claudia Pingue (CDP Venture Capital)
Pre SeedJun 2023$3M
Partner & Director Institutional Relations EUREKA! Venture SGR2019 - Present
Senior Evaluator Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)2018 - Present
Co-founder Angels4Women2018 - Present
Member Italian Angels for Growth2008 - Present
Vice-President and shareholder META Group1993 - Present
Sapienza Università di Roma Degree Architecture
Liceo Classico G.C. Tacito Diploma 56/60