Investing Profile
Anselm Adams(73)
Founder & CEO at ALBORA
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Anselm Adams's investing connections
Connected to Pete Flint (NFX), Ian Rountree (Cantos Ventures), David Fogel (Alma Angels), and 4 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $50K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Anselm Adams is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Anselm Adams's Investments On Record (5)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Albora Technologies | SeedOct 2020 SeedMar 2017 | |
The Bouqs Company | Series UnknownNov 2016 | $76M |
Chewse | Series AAug 2015$6M | $7.7M |
Cobalt Software | SeedOct 2014 | |
Apptopia | SeedJan 2013$140K | $4.8M |
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