Investing Profile
Ayelet Ben Arav(19)
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Incubit Technology Ventures Investor
Investment Range
$650K - $650K
Sweet Spot
Ayelet Ben Arav is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Material Science (Seed)AR/VR (Seed)Hardware (Seed)Robotics (Seed)EnergyTech (Seed)TransportationTech (Seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Seed)IoT (Seed)Manufacturing (Seed)IsraelAI (Seed)AR/VR (Pre-seed)Material Science (Pre-seed)EnergyTech (Pre-seed)TransportationTech (Pre-seed)Hardware (Pre-seed)Robotics (Pre-seed)IoT (Pre-seed)Manufacturing (Pre-seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)
most interested in
Incubit Ventures is about deep technology early stage startups. We are focused mainly on: Hardware, communication, Nano technologies, deep learning, optics, sensors, energy, materials, computer vision, AR, AI.not interested in
consumers, cloud, big data, software, social, media, mobile