Investing Profile
Bali Muralidhar
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Abingworth Managing Partner
Investment Range
$15.0M - $30.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Bali Muralidhar is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Bali Muralidhar's Investments On Record (10)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Ascend Gene & Cell Therapies | Series AMay 2023$66M | $66M |
Anjarium Biosciences | Series ASep 2021$60M | $60M |
CymaBay Therapeutics | Post Ipo DebtAug 2021$100M | $190M |
Wugen | Series BJul 2021$170M | $170M |
Glycomine | Series BJun 2021$35M | $35M |
Reneo Pharmaceuticals | Series BDec 2020$95M | $150M |
NuCana BioMed | Post Ipo EquityOct 2020$80M | $140M |
Spruce Biosciences | Series BFeb 2020$88M | $88M |
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