Investing Profile
Brian Mesic(177)
ankonacap.comNewport Beach, California
Your Intro Paths to Brian Mesic
Brian Mesic's investing connections
Connected to Charles Hudson (Precursor Ventures), Marvin Liao (GAMEGROOVE Capital), Cheryl Cheng, and 11 other investors on Signal.
Networks Brian is a member of
The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Ankona Capital Managing Partner
Investment Range
$5.0M - $15.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Brian Mesic is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Brian Mesic's Investments On Record (11)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
VideoAmp | Series CMay 2019$70M | $370M |
StackIQ | Series BOct 2014$6M | $6M |
SpinMedia Group | Series UnknownFeb 2014$10M Series DMar 2009$13M Series BMay 2007$6M | $29M |
Email Copilot | SeedOct 2013$1M | $1M |
Prism Skylabs | Series AOct 2012$7M | $24M |
Big Frame | SeedJun 2012$3M | $3M |
FileTrek | Series BFeb 2012$10M | $10M |
Plixi | Series AMar 2010$3M | $3M |
most interested in
Ankona invests in business end market SaaS companies "at the elbow" - companies with proven product/market fit that are poised for growth. We invest $5-$15M into companies typically generating $5-$15M in ARR.not interested in
We don't invest in hardware, e-commerce, digital media, or consumer software.Brian Mesic's Education
The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth MBA
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