Investing Profile
Cristian Olea(138)
manutaraventures.comSantiago, Chile
Your Intro Paths to Cristian Olea
Cristian Olea's investing connections
Connected to David Mort (Propel Venture Partners), Ariel Arrieta (NXTP Labs).
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Manutara Ventures Managing Partner
Investment Range
$200K - $1M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Cristian Olea is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Cristian Olea's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Levannta | SeedDec 2023$3M | $3M |
most interested in
I am interested in technologies that can impact trillion dollar industries such as AI, Blockchain, Fintech among others.not interested in
In fashing or consumer product goods.Cristian Olea's Experience
CFO Ionic Security2009 - 2015
Cristian Olea's Education
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Engineer Finance
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