Investing Profile
Darius Zakaitis
Your Intro Paths to Darius Zakaitis
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Contrarian Ventures Venture Partner
Investment Range
$560K - $560K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Darius Zakaitis is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Darius Zakaitis's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
ZENOO | Pre SeedJun 2021$360K | $360K |
Thrust | SeedJul 2019$280K Pre SeedJun 2018$120K | $400K |
Darius Zakaitis's Media (1)
Darius Zakaitis's Experience
Founder Tech Zity2020 - Present
Partner Contrarian Ventures2017 - Present
Managing Director Vilnius Tech Park2014 - Present
Founder Rupert2012 - Present
Co-founder StartupHighway2011 - Present
Chairman of the board Viena sąskaita2011 - 2017
Co-owner AT Investicija2009 - 2017
Co-owner Tulips&Roses2007 - 2012
Member of the board MG Baltic Trade1997 - 2007
Darius Zakaitis's Education
Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance as School Executive Education for Professional Board Members Corporate Governance
Vilniaus Universitetas Bachelor of Science (BS) Finance and Economics
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