Investing Profile

Dela Adedze

Analyst at MaC Venture Capital. Angeles, California
Photo of Dela Adedze, Analyst at MaC Venture Capital
$100K - $5.0M
Senior Analyst MaC Venture Capital2022 - Present
Analyst MaC Venture Capital2021 - 2022
Marketing & Growth BEEPR LLC2021 - 2021
Student Body President James Madison University2020 - 2021
Treasurer Madison Venture Group2019 - 2021
Undergraduate Research Assistant JMU College of Business2019 - 2019
US Ventures Village Capital2019 - 2019
Intern U.S. Embassy in Côte d'Ivoire - Andrew Young Center for Entrepreneurship (AYC)2018 - 2018
Intern Democratic Party of Virginia2016 - 2016
James Madison University Bachelor of Science - BS Economics | Minor in Political Science | Minor in Writing, Rhetoric & Technical Communication (WRTC)
Gonzaga College High School High School Diploma