Investing Profile
Elena Viboch
Your Intro Paths to Elena Viboch
Elena Viboch's investing connections
Connected to Saar Gur (CRV), Lisa Marrone (August Capital).
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cbCurrent Investing Position
General Catalyst Partner
Investment Range
$500K - $2.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Elena Viboch is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Elena Viboch's Investments On Record (9)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Medeloop | Series ANov 2024$16M SeedSep 2023$8M | $24M |
CTRL Therapeutics | SeedApr 2023$10M | $10M |
Faro Health | Series AFeb 2023$20M | $35M |
Paradigm | Series AJan 2023$200M | $240M |
ArriVent Biopharma | Series BDec 2022$160M | $160M |
Vial | Series BNov 2022$67M | $100M |
Odyssey Therapeutics | Series BOct 2022$170M | $490M |
Deep Genomics | Series CJul 2021$180M | $240M |
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