Investing Profile
Elliot O'Connor(288)
Founder & CEO at Frontier
San Francisco, California
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Elliot O'Connor's investing connections
Connected to James Currier (NFX), Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), Aileen Lee (Cowboy Ventures), and 32 other investors on Signal.
Networks Elliot is a member of
London School of Economics and Political Science, U. of London Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$250K - $2.0M
Sweet Spot
Elliot O'Connor is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Elliot O'Connor's Media (1)
Elliot O'Connor's Experience
Venture Capital Investor firstminute capital2017 - 2019
Elliot O'Connor's Education
London School of Economics and Political Science, U. of London
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