Investing Profile
Fabio Cannavale
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Investments On Record
Fabio Cannavale's Investments On Record (10)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
EPICODE | Series AMar 2022$11M Pre SeedMar 2021$1M | $12M |
Contents | Series AMar 2021$6M | $24M |
GrowishPay | Series UnknownJul 2019$170K | $800K |
Properly | Series AOct 2018$9M | $83M |
Zerogrado | Series UnknownAug 2018$2M | $2M |
Talkpush | SeedJan 2017$700K SeedDec 2015 | $700K |
GoodBuyAuto | AngelNov 2016$1M | $1M |
CharityStars | Series AAug 2016$2M | $2.9M |
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