Investing Profile
Frances Schwiep
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Two Sigma Ventures Partner
Investment Range
$5.0M - $15.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Frances Schwiep is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Frances Schwiep's Investments On Record (6)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Distributional | Series AOct 2024$19M | $30M |
Objective | SeedOct 2023$13M | $13M |
Flatfile | Series BSep 2022$50M Series AMar 2021$35M SeedMay 2020$8M Seed RoundMay 2020$7.6M | $100M |
Nelo | Series AOct 2021$20M | $23M |
Sora | Series AAug 2021$14M | $19M |
Pryon | Series AJun 2019$20M SeedNov 2018$5M | $190M |
Frances Schwiep's Media (1)
most interested in
Future of intelligent apps, decentralized data networks, consumer tech, voice computing, and applied AI/ML, with an emphasis on the underlying and connected threads of how startups in these areas can leverage digital assets to redefine businesses and build new categories.Investors who invest with Frances Schwiep
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