Investing Profile
Gil Ben-Artzy(951)
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Connected to Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), Chris Farmer (SignalFire), Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst), and 22 other investors on Signal.
Networks Gil is a member of
University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School Network
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
UpWest General Partner
Investment Range
$500K - $3.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Gil Ben-Artzy is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
AI (Seed)Investors who invested in female foundersIsraelInvestors who invested in diverse foundersSan Francisco Bay AreaFuture of Work (Seed)Cybersecurity (Seed)Enterprise Applications (Seed)Enterprise Infrastructure (Seed)DeepTech (Seed)DeepTech (Pre-seed)Enterprise Infrastructure (Pre-seed)Future of Work (Pre-seed)Health IT (Pre-seed)Enterprise Applications (Pre-seed)Cybersecurity (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)Health IT (Seed)FinTech (Seed)Marketplaces (Seed)SaaS (Seed)
Gil Ben-Artzy's Investments On Record (10)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
CyCognito | Series CDec 2021$100M Series BJul 2020$30M Series ANov 2019$18M SeedJan 2018$5M Pre-SeedSep 2017 | $150M |
Balance | Pre-Seed+SeedJun 2020$5.5M | $440M |
Quarterback | SeedMay 2018$3M | $3M |
Zone7 | Pre-SeedN/A | $11M | | Pre-SeedN/A | |
BeeHero | Pre-SeedN/A | $46M |
HoneyBook | Pre-SeedN/A | $480M |
SentinelOne | Pre-seedN/A | $680M |
Gil Ben-Artzy's Media (1)
Gil Ben-Artzy's Education
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem BA Economics
University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School MBA
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