Investing Profile
Gil Zimmermann
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cbCurrent Investing Position
2048 Ventures Investor
Investment Range
$500K - $2.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Gil Zimmermann is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Security (Seed)Developer Tools (Seed)Data Services (Seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Seed)AI (Seed)Boston / New EnglandAngel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsCybersecurity (Seed)Data Services (Pre-seed)Developer Tools (Pre-seed)Security (Pre-seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed)Cybersecurity (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)FinTech (Seed)
Gil Zimmermann's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Orion Security | SeedMar 2025$6M | $6M |
Root | SeedJan 2021$7M | $7M |
Gil Zimmermann's Experience
Founding Board Director and Investor Jit2020 - Present
Founding Board Chairman and Investor Slim.AI Inc2020 - Present
Founding Partner FXP2020 - Present
Investor 2048 Ventures2019 - Present
Board Director Zoomin2019 - Present
Board Member on E4E Boston (NGO) Educating For Excellence - חינוך לפסגות2019 - Present
Investor Cyberstarts - The Founders Powered VC2018 - Present
Council Member at Israeli-American Council, IAC Boston (NGO) Israeli-American Council (IAC)2020 - 2023
Cloud Security Business Cisco2016 - 2019
Founding CEO and Board Chairman (Acquired by Cisco) CloudLock2011 - 2016
Founding Organizer of Boston Branch TechAviv2007 - 2016
Founding CEO and Board Chairman Aprigo2007 - 2010
Entrepreneur In Residence Cedar Fund2006 - 2007
Customer Advocacy & Business Development EMC2001 - 2006
Product Management Backweb Technologies2001 - 2001
Technical Sales Sun Microsystems1997 - 2001
IT Leadership Bezeq Bit1996 - 1997
Software Development // SysAdmin // DBA Israel Defense Forces - Military Intelligence1993 - 1996
Gil Zimmermann's Education
Northeastern University Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Tel Aviv University Bachelor's Degree
MAMRAM, IDF Software Programmer & System Architect
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