Investing Profile
Henric Suuronen(282)
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Henric Suuronen's investing connections
Connected to Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst), Carl Fritjofsson (Creandum), and 2 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Play Ventures Managing Partner
Investment Range
$200K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Henric Suuronen is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Henric Suuronen's Investments On Record (10)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Appcharge | Series ANov 2024$26M SeedDec 2022$5M | $31M |
Deftouch | Series UnknownOct 2024 SeedMar 2021$2M | $2M |
Original Games | SeedOct 2021$6M | $6M |
Mobile Premier League | Series ESep 2021$150M | $370M |
Kasaz | Pre SeedSep 2020$1M | $1M |
Starform | SeedSep 2019$1M | $12M |
Hipfire Games | SeedFeb 2019$200K | $200K |
Matchmade | Series AAug 2017$2M | $3M |
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