Investing Profile
Ilse Calderon(719)
ovofund.comPalo Alto, California
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Connected to Charles Hudson (Precursor Ventures), Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), Anna Barber (M13), and 17 other investors on Signal.
Networks Ilse is a member of
Stanford University Network
Silicon Valley Bank Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
OVO Fund Associate
Investment Range
$250K - $500K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Ilse Calderon is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Ilse Calderon's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Suma Wealth | SeedFeb 2024$2M Pre SeedOct 2021$2M Pre SeedOct 2020$1M | $5M |
most interested in
Capital efficient markets, AI, Direct to Consumer, Food Tech, very early stage, great founders, innovation in stodgy industriesnot interested in
semiconductors, heavy capex companiesIlse Calderon's Experience
Associate OVO Fund2017 - Present
Associate Silicon Valley Bank2017 - 2017
Summer Intern Signia Venture Partners2016 - 2016
Chief Marketing Officer Hangster Inc.2015 - 2016
Banking Associate Stanford Student Enterprises2014 - 2016
Vice President Stanford Sigma Eta Pi2014 - 2016
Ivy League Leadership Conference Program Leader and Marketing and Operations Intern China-US Cultural Exchange Association of Cornell University2015 - 2015
Project Manager AdmitSee2014 - 2015
Intern Opinno2014 - 2014
Program Fellow Tibetan Social Entrepreneurship Lab2013 - 2014
Community Management Intern The Kairos Society2013 - 2013
Intern - Stanford HAAS Center Fellowship City of Prairie View 4B Economic Development2013 - 2013
Transcriber Stanford Linguistics Department2012 - 2013
Operations and Logistics Fexa Logistics2012 - 2012
Co-Founder & President Rotary International's Interact Club at Klein Oak HS2009 - 2011
Ilse Calderon's Education
Stanford University Bachelor of Science in Science Technology, and Society (concentration: Innovations)
Investors who invest with Ilse Calderon
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