Investing Profile
Isabella Fantini(151)
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Isabella Fantini's investing connections
Connected to Lolita Taub (Ganas Ventures), Paul Straub (Wireframe Ventures).
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cbIsabella Fantini is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
AgTech (Series B)AgTech (Series A)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Series B)Food and Beverage (Series B)AgTech (Seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Series A)Food and Beverage (Seed)Food and Beverage (Series A)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Seed)Female InvestorsNew York CityBoston / New EnglandAgTech (Pre-seed)Food and Beverage (Pre-seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Pre-seed)
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