Investing Profile
Jack Boren
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cbInvestments On Record
Jack Boren's Investments On Record (11)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Noetik | Series AAug 2024$40M | $54M |
Redo | Series AAug 2024$24M | $26M |
Videra Health | SeedMay 2024$6M | $9M |
Unlearn.AI | Series CFeb 2024$50M Series ANov 2020$3M | $120M |
Culmination Bio | Series ANov 2023$10M | $10M |
HealthJoy | Series DOct 2022$60M Series CFeb 2020$30M Series BMar 2019$13M | $130M |
GUIDEcx | Series BFeb 2022$25M Series ANov 2020$10M | $37M |
Tracer | Series CJan 2021$12M Series BMar 2019$10M Series UnknownApr 2017$6M | $46M |
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