Investing Profile
Joan Cavallé i Oller
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The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Network
Joan Cavallé i Oller is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Joan Cavallé i Oller's Experience
Investment Associate 4Founders Capital2023 - Present
Investment Analyst 4Founders Capital2021 - 2023
Investment Analyst Inveready2021 - 2021
Off-cycle Investment Analyst InnoCells2020 - 2020
Accounting Management and Control Intern Institut Català de Finances (ICF)2019 - 2019
Commercial Banking Summer Intern Banco Popular2017 - 2017
Joan Cavallé i Oller's Education
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Global Topics in Finance
ESADE Business & Law School MSc in Finance
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Bachelor's degree in International Business Economics (IBE)
HEC Montréal Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA (Exchange programme)
Col·legi Claret Barcelona Batxillerat (High School)