Investing Profile
Karl Handelsman(194)
Founder & Managing Partner, Codon Capital Management, LLC Francisco, California
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Karl Handelsman's investing connections
Connected to Dror Berman (Innovation Endeavors), Brian Frank (FTW Ventures), Esther Dyson, and 5 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Codon Capital Managing Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Karl Handelsman is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
AgTech (Series B)Consumer Health (Series B)AgTech (Series A)BioTech (Series B)AgTech (Seed)Consumer Health (Series A)BioTech (Seed)Consumer Health (Seed)BioTech (Series A)Health IT (Series A)Health & Hospital Services (Series B)Health & Hospital Services (Series A)San Francisco Bay AreaDigital Health (Series B)Health IT (Seed)Health IT (Series B)Digital Health (Series A)Digital Health (Seed)Health & Hospital Services (Seed)
Karl Handelsman's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Bonum Therapeutics | Series ANov 2022$93M | $93M |
Clear Labs | Series BOct 2018$21M | $140M |
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