Investing Profile
Madeline Lawrence(323)
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Connected to Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst), Gil Dibner (Angular Ventures).
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Peak Principal
Investment Range
$260K - $4.2M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Madeline Lawrence is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Madeline Lawrence's Investments On Record (6)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
handly | SeedFeb 2025$4M | $5M | | Series AJun 2024$12M SeedDec 2022$4M | $16M |
Helio | SeedApr 2023$3M | $3M |
Empion | Pre SeedJun 2022$3M | $9M |
Circula | Series AJan 2022$13M | $13M |
Tilores | SeedJan 2022$1M | $1M |
Madeline Lawrence's Media (4)
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