Investing Profile
Marie Duranteau
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HEC Paris Network
Current Investing Position
Soffinova Partners Analyst
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
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Marie Duranteau's Experience
Senior Analyst Sofinnova Partners2022 - Present
Analyst Sofinnova Partners2020 - Present
Junior analyst Sofinnova Partners2018 - 2020
Internship Sofinnova Partners2017 - 2018
Post-doctoral Researcher Cell Biology - Labex "Who Am I ?" Institut Jacques Monod/CNRS & University Paris Diderot2015 - 2016
PhD Cell Biology Institut Jacques Monod/CNRS & University Paris Diderot2012 - 2015
Research Intern Institut Cochin2011 - 2012
Marie Duranteau's Education
HEC Paris Master of Science (MSc) - Entrepreneurship Biotechnology
Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cellular Biology Role of the kinase BubR1 in the control of mitosis and prevention of aneuploidy
Université Paris Descartes Master's degree, Cellular and Developmental Biology Cell Biology and Development
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) Master's degree, Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP) Physiology and Physiopathology
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