Investing Profile
Moisés Sánchez Jiménez
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Harvard Business School Network
Universitat de Barcelona Network
Current Investing Position
Mundi Ventures Partner
Investment Range
$500K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Moisés Sánchez Jiménez is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Moisés Sánchez Jiménez's Experience
General Partner Mundi Ventures2015 - Present
Cofundador - Abogado Areté Corporativo2013 - Present
Co Founder FORUM CREA2013 - Present
Profesor ISDE Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía2007 - 2017
Socio Área Legal ALTALEX2000 - 2013
Abogado Dpto. Mercantil Garrigues1998 - 2000
Moisés Sánchez Jiménez's Education
Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program (AMP)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Iuris Doctor Law
Universitat de Barcelona Licenciatura Derecho
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