Investing Profile
Nitzan Adler(124)
Your Intro Paths to Nitzan Adler
Nitzan Adler's investing connections
Connected to Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), David Stark (Ground Up Ventures), Guy Katsovich (Fusion VC), and 2 other investors on Signal.
Networks Nitzan is a member of
The Hebrew University Network
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cbNitzan Adler is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Nitzan Adler's Experience
Co-Founder fresh.fund2016 - Present
CEO Siftech2015 - Present
Co Founder Simply Sing (פשוט שרים)2010 - 2016
Goodshabes Goodshabes2009 - 2016
Junior International Trade Analyst Atid EDI, Ltd.2014 - 2015
Nitzan Adler's Education
עין צורים
עין צורים
The Hebrew University Graduate Business/Commerce, General, Middle eastern study's
Shalom Hartman Institute High School History and theatre
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