Investing Profile
Oleg Chervonnyi
Venture Capital Investor at Verve Ventures
Berlin, Germany
Your Intro Paths to Oleg Chervonnyi
Oleg Chervonnyi is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Oleg Chervonnyi's Experience
Head of Strategy & Operations SECJUR2023 - Present
Venture Capital Investor Verve Ventures2020 - 2023
Venture Capital Investor Speedinvest2019 - 2020
Venture Capital Investor First Momentum Ventures2018 - 2019
Semiconductor Engineering Bosch2017 - 2018
Process Management United Internet AG2016 - 2017
Oleg Chervonnyi's Education
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Master of Science - MS
International Baccalaureate IB Diploma Programme
Investors who invest with Oleg Chervonnyi