Investing Profile
Pano Anthos(672)
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Pano Anthos's investing connections
Connected to James Currier (NFX), Satya Patel (Homebrew), Aileen Lee (Cowboy Ventures), and 38 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
XRC Ventures Managing Partner
Investment Range
$1M - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Pano Anthos is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Local Services (Seed)Fashion (Seed)Social Commerce (Seed)AR/VR (Seed)Retail (Seed)Web3/Blockchain (Seed)Logistics (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)New York CityConsumer Internet (Seed)Fashion (Pre-seed)AR/VR (Pre-seed)Local Services (Pre-seed)Retail (Pre-seed)Web3/Blockchain (Pre-seed)Social Commerce (Pre-seed)Logistics (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)Consumer Internet (Pre-seed)
Pano Anthos's Investments On Record (9)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Teleperson | SeedJun 2023 | |
radd. | SeedJun 2023 Pre SeedSep 2022$140K | $240K |
ShareClub | SeedJun 2023 | |
MINU | SeedJun 2023 | |
Resist Nutrition | SeedJun 2023 SeedMar 2023 | |
Cluey | SeedJun 2023 | |
MedsNow | SeedJun 2023 | |
Globe Thrivers | Pre SeedMar 2023 |
most interested in
Disruptive technologies that focus on the retail and ecommerce industry. Pre-seed stage companies first and foremost.not interested in
Verticals outside of retail and consumer goodsInvestors who invest with Pano Anthos
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