Investing Profile
Paulo Silveira
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Universidade de São Paulo Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $25K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Paulo Silveira is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Paulo Silveira's Investments On Record (11)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Sinapse Finance | AngelApr 2022$940K | $940K |
FOOD TO SAVE | Equity CrowdfundingApr 2022$290K | $290K |
Trace Finance | SeedFeb 2022$4M | $8.3M |
Layers Education | SeedJan 2022$2M | $2M |
Weego | Pre SeedNov 2021$180K | $180K |
Faster | AngelAug 2021$230K | $230K |
Sooper | SeedMay 2021 | |
Cloud Humans | SeedMar 2021$1M | $1M |
Paulo Silveira's Experience
CEO Grupo Alura Grupo Alura2017 - Present
Product Manager Alura Cursos Online2013 - 2017
Diretor Executivo Caelum2004 - 2017
Founder and Editor Casa do Código2012 - 2015
Instructor Sun Microsystems2002 - 2004
Internship as a software developer Commworld2000 - 2001
software developer IBOPE2000 - 2001
Paulo Silveira's Education
Alura Cursos Online Bootcamp Data Science Aplicada 2021
Universidade de São Paulo Masters Computer Science, Origami Mathematics and Algorithms
Universidade de São Paulo bachelor Computer Science
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