Investing Profile
Philipp Banhardt
Berlin, Germany
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cbCurrent Investing Position
BlueYard Capital Investor
Investment Range
$500K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Philipp Banhardt's Experience
Investment Team BlueYard Capital2016 - Present
Product Management Intern EyeEm2016 - 2016
Analyst Self Employed2014 - 2016
Product Management Intern EyeEm2015 - 2015
Product Management Intern PAYMILL GmbH2013 - 2014
Software Engineering Intern IBM Deutschland GmbH2012 - 2013
Software Engineer syscovery Business Solutions GmbH2012 - 2012
Software Engineering Intern Bosch2011 - 2011
German alternative civilian service SAMARITER Foundation, Dr. Vöhringer Heim2009 - 2010
Process Engineering Intern Bosch Australia2009 - 2009
Philipp Banhardt's Education
Technische Universiteit Delft Master of Science (M.Sc.) Management of Technology
清华大学 Master of Science (M.Sc.) Economics & Management
고려대학교 / Korea University Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Software Engineering
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