Investing Profile
Philipp Flesch
Investor at Nordic Eye Venture Capital
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The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Network
UBS Network
UBS Network
Philipp Flesch's Experience
Investment Associate Nordic Eye Venture Capital2021 - Present
Capital Markets Analyst UBS2018 - 2021
Investment Banking Analyst UBS2019 - 2019
Intern Private Markets Merck Finck & Co.2015 - 2015
Intern Inhouse Consulting BMW Santiago de Chile2014 - 2014
Intern Social Media FC Bayern München2013 - 2013
Philipp Flesch's Education
CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education Master of Science (MSc) Management
Nova School of Business and Economics Master of Science (MSc) Finance
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Summer Course Accounting and Finance
International School of Management Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) International Management
Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Semester Abroad Administración de Empresas
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