Investing Profile
Remo Mahler(12)
b10.vcBerlin, Germany
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cbCurrent Investing Position
b10 Analyst
Sweet Spot
Remo Mahler is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
most interested in
SaaS, Platform models and B2Bnot interested in
Gambling, Gaming, AdTech, E-Commerce, Content, HardwareRemo Mahler's Experience
Investor fraud0.com2023 - Present
Board Member | Investor Dreamdata2022 - Present
Board Observer | Investor cofenster2022 - Present
Board Observer Clarisights2020 - Present
Principal signals Venture Capital2020 - Present
Board Observer | Investor Workpath2020 - Present
Board Observer | Investor everphone2020 - Present
Investment Associate Future Energy Ventures2019 - 2020
Investment Analyst & Entrepreneur in Residence b10 | Venture Capital2018 - 2019
Visiting Analyst – Tech team ACXIT Capital Partners2017 - 2017
Engineering Intern ENNOS Gesellschaft für innovative Energiesysteme2014 - 2014
Remo Mahler's Education
Technische Universität Berlin Master and Bachelor of Science (M.Sc. & B.Sc.) Industrial Engineering and Management
Technische Universiteit Delft Master of Science (M.Sc.) Management of Technology
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