Investing Profile
Ren Du
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Heuristic Capital Partners Managing Director
Current Fund Size
Ren Du is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Ren Du's Experience
General Partner Heuristic Capital2016 - Present
Investor 11.2 Capital2014 - 2016
Market Intelligence and Strategic M&A Omnicell2013 - 2014
Management Consultant Blue Matter Consulting2013 - 2013
Investment Consultant China International Capital Corporation (CICC)2012 - 2012
Global Marketing Manager Covidien2012 - 2012
Management Analyst Yale New Haven Hospital2011 - 2012
Resident West China Hospital2010 - 2011
Clinical Clerkship University of Massachusetts Medical School2010 - 2010
Ren Du's Education
Yale University MPH Health Care Manangement
Sichuan University MD Medicine
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