Investing Profile

Robert Binder

Founder and CEO at Antera Gestão de Recursos De Janeiro, Brazil
Photo of Robert Binder, Investor at Antera Gestão de Recursos
$100K - $5.0M
Co-founder Chair in Venture Capital at COPPEAD2015 - Present
Founder and CEO Antera Asset Management2005 - Present
Business Development Council Member COPPEAD UFRJ2016 - 2016
Member of the Good Practices and Self-Regulation Committee for Funds regarding emerging startups ANBIMA (Brazilian Association of the Financial and Capital Entities)2009 - 2015
Professor of the Venture Capital chair Ibmec2003 - 2005
Co-founder and CEO Swiss Hotel Management College of Joinville2003 - 2005
Co-founder and First Chief Executive Officer Brazilian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (ABVCAP)2000 - 2004
Founder and Chief Executive Officer Binder & Companhia1996 - 1999
Director of Foreign Operations DC Foreign Exchange and Marketable Securities Broker1994 - 1996
Co-founder and Chief Financial Officer Ágora Marketable Securities Broker1993 - 1994
Chief Financial Officer Texaco Brasil S/A1985 - 1993
Autonomous Systems and Finance Consultant with several corporate clients Autonomous Services1983 - 1985
Managing Partner Marka Broker1979 - 1982
Vice-President Banco Lar Brasileiro/Chase Manhattan Bank1974 - 1979
General Manager of governmental Funds Investbanco - Industrial Investment and Development Bank1972 - 1974
Presidency assessor Brasul Bank1971 - 1971
Managing Director Systems Bureau of Computer Services1970 - 1971
Systems Analyst Supervisor Bunge Y Born Group1966 - 1968
Director OAF1964 - 1966
Financial Director Botanical Gardens of Rio de Janeiro1964 - 1966
University of Tennessee-Knoxville Bachelor of Sciences in Business Administration, Major in Economics Economics
Getúlio Vargas Foundation Master in Business Administration (incomplete) Economia e Administração