Investing Profile
Salvatore Spina
Pre/Seed Investor at Kyber Knight Capital
San Francisco, California
Your Intro Paths to Salvatore Spina
Current Investing Position
Kyber Knight Capital Investor
Investment Range
$500K - $3.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Salvatore Spina is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
SMB Software (Seed)Marketplaces (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)Investors who were foundersInvestors who invested in diverse foundersInvestors who invested in female foundersAI (Seed)SaaS (Seed)San Francisco Bay AreaFinTech (Seed)Future of Work (Seed)Enterprise Applications (Seed)Marketplaces (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)SMB Software (Pre-seed)Future of Work (Pre-seed)Enterprise Applications (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)Enterprise (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Seed)Enterprise (Seed)
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