Investing Profile
Shitian Li(58)
uphonestcapital.comFoster City
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cbShitian Li is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Fashion (Seed)Human Capital/HRTech (Seed)Entertainment & Sports (Seed)Food and Beverage (Seed)Education (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)Consumer Internet (Seed)San Francisco Bay AreaFuture of Work (Seed)Fashion (Pre-seed)Human Capital/HRTech (Pre-seed)Education (Pre-seed)Food and Beverage (Pre-seed)Entertainment & Sports (Pre-seed)Future of Work (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)Consumer Internet (Pre-seed)Enterprise (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)FinTech (Seed)Enterprise (Seed)
Shitian Li's Education
Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs Master International Finance
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