Investing Profile
Sriram Gollapalli(69)
AngelFounderInvestorProduct Operator
Former founder with successful exit, B2B SaaS growth advisor
Boston, Massachusetts
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Sriram Gollapalli's investing connections
Connected to Sheel Mohnot (Better Tomorrow Ventures), Hunter Walk (Homebrew), Andrew Chen (Andreessen Horowitz).
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cbSriram Gollapalli is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Sales & CRM (Seed)Social Commerce (Seed)Developer Tools (Seed)Data Services (Seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Seed)IoT (Seed)Diverse InvestorsInvestors who invested in female foundersInvestors who were foundersInvestors who invested in diverse foundersE-commerce (Seed)Boston / New EnglandAngel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsData Services (Pre-seed)Developer Tools (Pre-seed)Social Commerce (Pre-seed)IoT (Pre-seed)Sales & CRM (Pre-seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)FinTech (Seed)SaaS (Seed)
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