Investing Profile
Sullyen Almeida(191)
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Sullyen Almeida's investing connections
Connected to Alex Taussig (Lightspeed Venture Partners), Carlo Dapuzzo (monashees), Ariel Arrieta (NXTP Labs), and 2 other investors on Signal.
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cbSullyen Almeida is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Education (Series A)Data Services (Seed)SMB Software (Seed)SMB Software (Series A)Angel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsData Services (Series A)Education (Seed)AI (Seed)AI (Series A)Diverse InvestorsInvestors who invested in female foundersFemale InvestorsInvestors who invested in diverse foundersEnterprise (Series A)Enterprise (Seed)Future of Work (Seed)Future of Work (Series A)Enterprise Applications (Series A)Enterprise Applications (Seed)LegalTech (Series A)LegalTech (Seed)Generative Tech/AI (Seed)Generative Tech/AI (Series A)LatAm (Latin America)SaaS (Series A)SaaS (Seed)
most interested in
LATIN AMERICAN founders building companies on AI applications, B2B/Enterprise Software, edtech, legaltech, and emerging technology segmentsnot interested in
Companies with NO Latam angle (founders or target market)Investors who invest with Sullyen Almeida