Investing Profile
Takehiro "TK" Hayashi
Your Intro Paths to Takehiro "TK" Hayashi
Current Investing Position
Oval Ventures Partner
Investment Range
$17K - $2.2M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Takehiro "TK" Hayashi is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Takehiro "TK" Hayashi's Experience
Researcher at Keio Media Design Keio Graduate School of Media Design2021 - Present
Founding Partner / Oval Ventures Oval Ventures2020 - Present
代表執行役員 社長 / CEO ディッシーズ合同会社2019 - Present
Co-Founder and Partner at Mocrom Japan Mocrom2019 - 2020
マーケティング本部マネジャー 株式会社ナイキジャパン2012 - 2019
アカウントエグゼクティブ 博報堂/博報堂DYメディアパートナーズグループ会社2002 - 2012
Takehiro "TK" Hayashi's Education
明治大学 商学部商学科
London South Bank University
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