Investing Profile

Tetyana Goncharenko(30)

CEOScoutSales OperatorAdvisor
Creating ecosystem
Photo of Tetyana Goncharenko, Scout
$100K - $2.5M
Adviser to CEO ZEZMAN2021 - Present
Advisor MATAS Robotics Corp.2021 - Present
co-founder EVON Group2019 - Present
Co-founder Founders League2018 - Present
Co Founder TheOwners2018 - Present
CEO Founders League2018 - Present
Business Development Director European Profiles Greece2016 - Present
Business Owner Социальный консалтинг "Параграф"2012 - Present
co-founder Truelife community2019 - 2019
National President JCI (Junior Chamber International)2016 - 2017
Director of Business Development Центр развития мужчины и женщины "Эпоха"2013 - 2016
methodologist NDL of informatization Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University2013 - 2015
VP Social 2012 JCI Ukraine2012 - 2013
manager Center for Development of male and female "Epoha"2007 - 2013
Vice President JCI Ukraine 2012 JCI2012 - 2012
Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science secondary school № 1322011 - 2012
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University магистр mathematics, computer science
132 Математика и компьютерные науки