Investing Profile
Tim Hanlon
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cbTim Hanlon is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Local Services (Seed)Sales & CRM (Seed)AR/VR (Seed)Retail (Seed)Advertising (Seed)Media/Content (Seed)Social Networks (Seed)IoT (Seed)MidwestAR/VR (Pre-seed)Advertising (Pre-seed)Local Services (Pre-seed)Retail (Pre-seed)Sales & CRM (Pre-seed)Media/Content (Pre-seed)IoT (Pre-seed)Social Networks (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Seed)
Tim Hanlon's Experience
Founder and CEO The Vertere Group, LLC2011 - Present
Managing Director Mediabrands Velociter (Interpublic Group)2010 - 2011
Executive Vice President/Managing Director VivaKi Ventures (Publicis Groupe)2008 - 2009
Executive Vice President, Ventures Denuo (Publicis Groupe)2007 - 2008
Senior Vice President, Ventures Denuo (Publicis Groupe)2006 - 2007
Senior Vice President/Director, Ventures Publicis Groupe Media2005 - 2006
Senior Vice President/Director, Emerging Contacts Starcom MediaVest Group2000 - 2005
Tim Hanlon's Education
The University of Chicago - Booth School of Business MBA Strategy/Marketing
Georgetown University BA Government/English
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