Investing Profile
Trevor Phenix
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Broad Street Bulls Managing Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Trevor Phenix is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Trevor Phenix's Experience
Advisory Board Member LyteHorse Labs2020 - Present
Managing Partner T-Bin Ag Equipment2020 - Present
Managing Partner Broad Street Bulls2019 - Present
Strategic Advisor Scovan Engineering2018 - Present
Engineering Consultant ARAS Resources2011 - Present
Co-Founder & President TOP Analysis Ltd.2012 - 2019
Co-Founder & Vice President Business Development (Hive Innovations) Scovan Engineering2016 - 2018
Development Engineer, Production/Reservoir Engineer Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd2008 - 2011
Production/Reservoir Engineer, Integrated Oil Division Cenovus Energy2006 - 2008
Trevor Phenix's Education
University of Regina Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) Industrial Systems Engineering