Investing Profile
Vignesh Chandramouli
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Oak HC/FT Principal
Investment Range
$5.0M - $50.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Vignesh Chandramouli is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Vignesh Chandramouli's Investments On Record (8)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Stepful | Series BNov 2024$32M | $120M |
Trovo Health | SeedApr 2024$15M | $15M |
Osso VR | Series CMar 2022$66M | $110M |
Syllable | Series CFeb 2022$40M Series BJun 2021$28M | $72M |
Wayspring | Series DSep 2021$75M Series CFeb 2020$15M Series BOct 2016$17M | $120M |
VillageMD | Series BSep 2019$100M Series ASep 2015$36M | $410M |
Aspire Health | Series DOct 2016$32M Series CJun 2015$15M | $53M |
Maestro Health | Series AFeb 2016$53M | $53M |
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