Investing Profile
Zafar Mirzaliev(43)
stacked.capitalNew York, New York
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Zafar Mirzaliev's investing connections
Connected to Satya Patel (Homebrew), Dmitry Alimov (Frontier Ventures), Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), and 3 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Stacked Capital Venture Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $3.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Zafar Mirzaliev is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Zafar Mirzaliev's Investments On Record (4)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Avvir | SeedMar 2019$200K | $15M |
Carolina Fintech Ventures | LP RoundJan 2019$2.5M | $2.5M |
FaaStrak | SeedDec 2018$380K | $380K |
Haas Alert | SeedAug 2018$500K | $500K |
Zafar Mirzaliev's Media (1)
most interested in
B2B SaaS platforms, marketplaces, B2BC , robotics & iot, fintech and other industry specific solutions that solve a particular problem.not interested in
Things that don't make sense.Zafar Mirzaliev's Education
Parsons School of Design BA Architecture
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