Investing Profile
Zia Word(180)
InvestorVCFounderStrategy Operator
GP & Co-founder at Matterblock
Your Intro Paths to Zia Word
Zia Word's investing connections
Connected to Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), William Quist (Slow Ventures), Reid Hoffman (Greylock), and 12 other investors on Signal.
Current Investing Position
MatterBlock General Partner
Investment Range
$25K - $500K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Zia Word is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Impact (Seed)Gaming/eSports (Seed)Entertainment & Sports (Seed)Web3/Blockchain (Seed)AI (Seed)Diverse InvestorsInvestors who were foundersFemale InvestorsInvestors who invested in female foundersInvestors who invested in diverse foundersWeb3/Crypto (Seed)Consumer Internet (Seed)Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) (Seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Seed)Impact (Pre-seed)Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) (Pre-seed)Gaming/eSports (Pre-seed)Entertainment & Sports (Pre-seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Pre-seed)Web3/Crypto (Pre-seed)Web3/Blockchain (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)Consumer Internet (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Seed)
Zia Word's Investments On Record (8)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Public Pressure | SeedDec 2022$6M Pre-SeedApr 2022$2M | $8M |
NiiFi | StrategicMay 2021$300K | $300K |
StackOS | SeedApr 2021$2M | $2M |
Superfarm | SeedMar 2021$50K | $50K |
API3 | Seed RoundNov 2020$3M | $6M |
nahmii | SeedSep 2020$1M | $1M |
Polkadot | SeedDec 2018$50K | $250M |
Ocean Protocol | preICO Jan 2018$0 | $22M |
Zia Word's Media (1)
most interested in
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